The Osservatorio sulla giustizia civile of Milan (“Observatory on Civil Justice of Milan”) is an informal body that has been operating for several years at the Court of Milan with the participation of attorneys at law, non-professional and professional judges, officials, forensic experts, professors and trainees.
The Observatory on Civil Justice of Milan is especially engaged (also by setting specific “working groups”) in collecting and processing common best practices in the field of civil proceedings for the purposes of predictability of judgments and acceleration of the procedures (such as hearings protocols, tables for the assessment of non-pecuniary damages for personal injuries, techniques to link together defensive deeds and judicial decisions), as well as in fostering initiatives to study and research areas of common interest, such as the various forms of ADRs and the European legislature / case law.
The Observatory of Milan, in turn, takes part in the national network of Observatories, which connects other similar experiences – characterized by a continuous and equal comparison between different professional identities, although with the same responsibility for a “reasonable” functioning of the civil jurisdiction – present in various Courts (Turin, Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Verona, Genoa, Florence, Rome, Salerno, Reggio Calabria, Catania, to mention the most active), through periodic meetings of “coordination” and through the annual Meeting of the Observatories on civil justice, (which has been taking place for more than a decade), in which the experiences of the various locations are gathered and working groups are developed on the themes deemed fundamental.